As of March 1, 2024, anyone who books a private day office or meeting room on WorkSnap can also immediately book a day ticket in a nearby Q-Park parking garage with an attractive discount. With more than 140 parking garages throughout the country, Q-Park is the suitable partner to work with. WorkSnap is thus taking a new step in increasing the level of service for its bookers. This only concerns full-day parking in a Q-Park parking garage in combination with a private day office or meeting room at a number of WorkSnap locations in major cities. The day ticket starts at the time of entry and is then valid for 24 hours. Bookers are then assured of a parking space nearby and no longer have to go to the payment machine afterwards. The parking service currently concerns eight locations in Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. We expect to further expand this parking service in the future with new locations of existing and future flex operators. We thank Jill Baron - van Briemen from Q-Park Netherlands for the collaboration.